Industrial Worm Motor & Gearbox Combo 12V/24V (030, 040, 050, 063, 075) 250W-600W
This is the page where you will find all of the heavy industrial motor combinations.
Listed from smallest units to largest, we carry 250W, 350W, 450W, and 600W motors, each of which will be attached the an appropriate NMRV style gearbox.
Selecting the right unit for you is easy! simply click on any of the motors, scroll down, and you'll find the 'easy motor selection guide' which details the speed and torque of the motor with any of the ratio gearboxes. Lower model numbers correspond to lower ration gearboxes, and the higher models with higher ratios, so you look down the list you'll see the torque go up and the speed go down.
And if you have any questions that you can't find the answer to in the product pages, please give us a call!